Imagine a complex object with multiple nested fields, including arrays. Your goal is to extract the type of a field based on its path. The path can be represented as a string, where nested levels are separated by dots (.
) or using Lodash-style bracket notation (e.g., a[1].b
This idea is similar to Lodash's get
method, which takes a complex object as its first argument and a path as its second argument to retrieve the value at the specified path. The path can use either dot-separated segments or bracket-style indexing.
In this challenge, you need to implement a TypeScript utility type LookupProperty<T, Path>
. This utility type should accept a complex object type T
and extract the type of the field at the specified Path
For example:
type Obj = { a: { b: [ [{ d : number }], [[{ e: boolean }]] ], c: number } } // expected: number type Result1 = LookupProperty<Obj, 'a.c'> // expected: number type Result2 = LookupProperty<Obj, 'a.d'> // expected: never => since path not exist type Result2 = LookupProperty<Obj, 'a.b.c.d'>